A seamless battery exchange mechanism.

Our Battery-Swap Mechanism provides a lightning-fast, reliable, and light way to exchange batteries between two platforms. It was designed for in-air applications by guaranteeing a stable center of mass and constant power delivery to the target. Nevertheless, the system has the potential to be used in other industries like automotive or public transport as an alternative to fast charging.

At Aero Team Eindhoven we are trying to push the boundaries of aviation by creating our in-air Battery-Swap System. We believe our solution will push for the adoption of electric-powered aviation, as the limitation of distance will be eliminated. The Battery-Swap Mechanism is one of the cornerstones of our concept, as it enables the possibility of endless flight.



Our first concept for the Battery-Swap Mechanism was the one pictured on the right. It comprised of two lifting mechanisms next to each other, one responsible for gathering the new battery and the other, responsible for disposing of the old one. After some initial testing, we realized that this design would not be viable as the center of mass of the plane changed drastically, something that severely affected its stability while on air.

Q1 2022 - Q3 2023

Our second concept is pictured on the left. Even though its complexity was slightly increased, as can be seen from the video the mechanism’s center of mass remains stable, allowing for a smooth battery-swap. Having finalized our high-level design, it was time to dive into the specifics of our mechanism to ensure safety, efficiency and speed.

Q4 2023 - Q4 2024



When designing the final concept, we decided to opt for Pogo pins for our battery connection to the plane. Pogo pins were utilized for a handful of reasons. Their low contact resistance connection enabled us to have very limited energy loss when connecting our battery making our solution efficient. Furthermore, Pogo pins are a very durable and reliable solution as they are designed for frequent connections and disconnections. Finally, they offer us the ability to make our design compact and light as they occupy very limited space.

In case the Battery-Swap Mechanism malfunctions, we have implemented a PCB shield that takes care of any electrical malfunctions that might destroy our system.


The mechanism on the render uses a belt and linear bearing system driven by two DC motors to power the lowering and lifting of the batteries. The latches are passive during the locking and are unlocked by solenoids (one per latch) while the rotation is driven by another DC motor.